Novel Intraocular Lens Improved Vision in Individuals with Ocular Comorbidities

2022-06-24 23:38:18 By : Mr. FRANK CAO

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After implantation, investigators observed very good distance, intermediate and near functional visual outcomes and a high percentage of subjects without visual disturbances.

Observations from a recent real-world study suggest a novel non-diffractive presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (IOL) has led to positive findings in individuals with ocular comorbidities.

“In this real world assessment of patients presenting ocular comorbidities and bilaterally implanted with the ACRYSOF IQ Vivity and/or ACRYSOF IQ Vivity Toric Extended Vision IOL we have observed very good distance, intermediate and near functional visual outcomes and high percentages of subjects without visual disturbances,” wrote study author N.J.C. Bauer, University Eye Clinic Maastricht UMC.

Bauer and colleagues reported the interim analysis of the visual performance of both implanted IOLs in a cohort of subjects with ocular comorbidities. The multi center, ambispective registry study was conducted in Europe, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Investigators evaluated the performance of bilaterally implanted IOLs in this real-world setting using routine clinical practice.

Thus, this is a sub-analysis of patients with ocular comorbidities enrolled to date, investigators noted. A minimum of 3 months postoperatively were followed-up per local clinical practice standards.

After this, subjects implanted with the AcrySof IQ Vivity and/or Acrysof IQ Vivity Toric IOL had undergone visual acuity assessments at distance, 66 cm, and 40 cm (logMAR) and non-prompted visual disturbances (halos, starbursts, and glare) were collected.

A total of 39 subjects with ocular comorbidities had been enrolled to date, according to the investigators. The ocular comorbidities reported included:

Data show the binocular mean (logMAR) uncorrected distance visual acuity was 0.046, while the mean uncorrected Intermediate Visual Acuity was 0.123 and the uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.272.

Moreover, the binocular mean (logMAR) corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was 0.005, the distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA) was 0.108, and the distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA) was 0.254.

Investigators noted 89.7% of individuals reported no halos, 87.2% reported no glares, and 89.7% reported no starburst.

“There are no unanticipated adverse events to date,” Bauer concluded.

The study, “Real world vision outcomes of a novel non-diffractive presbyopia-correcting IOL in subjects with ocular comorbidities – a multi country registry,” was presented at NOG 2022.

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